The 5 Best AI Content Writing Tools

Top 5 Best AI Content Writing Tools and Software

There are a lot of different AI content writing tools out there and it can be challenging and time-consuming to find the right one.

While there are many different kinds of tools, this article will focus on the ones that are best suited for writers and website owners looking to create content for their blogs, ads, or social media.

There are several tools that are considered to be the cream of the crop in the industry, but we’ll go over the top 5 best AI content writing tools available this year.

If you’re completely new to the AI content writing software scene, we’ll go into a little more detail about what they are and how they can help you create great content quickly.

What is an AI content writer and how does it actually work?

AI writing software, simply put, is a program that utilizes AI and machine learning to write content.

In general, AI writing software needs a human inputting the key ideas and concepts, which the software then writes in a more natural way for the given topic.

This is done by using statistical machine translation, natural language processing, and deep learning to generate coherent sentences. The best AI content creation software also lets you adjust the language, tone, and use case based on what you need.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not meant as a replacement for human copywriters. It simply provides assistance to the content writers by getting rid of writer’s block and generating content ideas at scale.

This technology is not only used by digital agencies but also by companies who want to generate their own content, through specific niches or topics.

How AI Writing Tools Can Help Write Better Blog Posts

It is impossible for humans to keep up with the ever-changing and growing demand for content. To solve this problem, AI writing assistants can be used to help the human writers generate content quickly and efficiently.

It is growing increasingly difficult to publish new and unique content on a regular basis, let alone trying to rank it.

Blogs are usually (supposed to be) updated with fresh content every few days. It takes time to write all that content and it is hard to keep up with the deadlines.

That’s where AI writing tools come in handy.

AI writing assistants can produce text in a variety of formats such as blog posts, social media posts, articles, emails & more at a fraction of the cost, and a fraction of the time.

Here are some best use cases for using AI writing software:

GPT-3 AI Content Generator Use Cases

Writer’s block: AI writers can help struggling copywriters break their writer’s block by giving them suggestions such as words, phrases, and templates to continue writing.

Content ideas: The AI writing tools will generate ideas based on a company’s general topic or niche that needs to be written about. The company can then pick from these generated ideas or take a similar idea and tweak it as necessary.

Articles & Blog posts: Blog posts are a way of generating content that is not location specific. A blog generator will create blog posts from scratch.

Ad copy creation: While not a replacement for human copywriters, AI writing software can assist with creating attractive headlines and descriptions for Google and Facebook ads.

Quick email drafting: You can use these types of AI software to write quick yet detailed and professional emails. This is great if you find yourself spending too much time emailing during the day.

Writing books & novels: AI has been used to write a number of novels and even entire book series. One example is The War with the Evil Power Master, written by a neural network.

What are the Best AI Writing Tools?

To produce quality content quickly and efficiently, writers now have access to various advanced AI writing tools at affordable prices.

These tools allow writers to focus on the skills that they are best at – creativity and emotions, and let the software do the heavy lifting for them.

Here are some of the best AI writing tools on the market today in 2021:

Jasper AI Content Writing Software Review (Formerly Jarvis AI)

Jasper AI content writer - best content writing tool

5/5 Stars

Jasper AI (formerly Jarvis AI) is a content writing software that can be used to any kind of content you can imagine. This tool has the ability to write long-form blog posts, emails, social media posts, books, convincing ad copy, and much more.

The Jasper AI content writing software can be accessed on any device with the internet. It also doesn’t need any installation as it runs in the cloud and your articles can be saved into your account to use and review at any time.

Jasper AI content writing software offers features that are not found in other tools like grammar check for essays, plagiarism check for articles and specific long-form blog content functionality.

Jasper AI is an excellent choice for freelancers who want to save time on their workload by delegating some of their tasks to AI assistants. You can even give commands to Jasper and he will create what you ask of him.

We’ve done a full Jasper AI review with the ‘Boss Mode’ plan to test it out, and were very pleased with all of the functionality.

This is the highest rated AI writing software on our list due to the many functions, ease of use, tutorials and videos, Facebook group support, and customer support.

Use our link to get 10,000 words for free and take Jasper for a test drive.

Rytr AI Content Writing Software Review

Rytr AI content writer blog ideas examples

5/5 Stars

Rytr is an AI assistant for content writers. It can generate new ideas, help with content formatting, and ensure your writing is up to date.

Rytr uses machine learning to understand your writing style so it can offer you the best content suggestions. Rytr does not replace human copywriters but provides them with assistance in order to become more efficient in their work.

Rytr AI Content Writing Software has been designed with a mix of artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities.

It is specially designed for those who want to maximize their productivity by saving time on repetitive tasks such as keyword research, article spinning, and paragraph structuring.

You can easily 1,000+ word blog posts with Rytr in a matter of minutes. We’ve even put together a step-by-step guide to writing blog posts that rank with Rytr.

Read our full review here, or if you’re ready you can get started using Rytr today.

Copy AI Content Writing Software Review

CopyAI writing assistant

4/5 Stars

CopyAI is an AI writing software that automates content generation for businesses. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze the company’s website, blogs, and YouTube channel to identify topics that are relevant to their products or services.

CopyAI also comes with a built-in plagiarism detector which can spot any copied content from other websites or blogs. It also features an option for SEO optimization by adding relevant keywords to the content automatically.

The CopyAI AI Content Writing Software Review is a comprehensive guide on how this product works and what it can do for your business.

Try CopyAI today for free with this link.

ArticleForge AI Content Writing Software Review

ArticleForge AI Content Writing Software Review

4/5 Stars

ArticleForge, which has been around since 2017, is one of the more mainstream and popular AI content writers around.

The best thing about ArticleForge is that it does not require any technical knowledge at all – you just need to load up the tool and you are ready to go.

The user interface of this tool is pretty straight-forward and easy-to-navigate, which makes it perfect for beginners as well as experts.

You can get started with article ideas quickly, simply by typing in keywords for your article.

According to ArticleForge, you should use the following formula to create your main keywords:

Your intent for the article + The keyword you want to rank for + other critical information

Example: benefits of a + chiropractor + in Miami

Any local SEO content creator knows the value of these sorts of pieces of content, and ArticleForge was created to help you push out these types of pages.

We recently did an in-depth Article Forge review and even used it to create tons of new pieces of content for a few websites.

Try ArticleForge using this link for a 5 day free trial to test it out.

Ocoya AI Content Marketing Software

4/5 Stars

Unlike the others on this list, you will think you are a professional designer AND copywriter with Ocoya‘s graphics and content generation tool.

It’s an AI-powered platform that instantly generates high-quality graphics and text for you in just a few seconds — without any design or copywriting experience needed.

Ocoya goes a step beyond the other copywriting software on this list by incorporating graphic design and social media posting features and functions.

The following features are unique to Ocoya:

  • Unlimited AI copywriting
  • Social media posting scheduler
  • AI graphic design
  • 10,000+ templates
  • 1,000,000+ stock photos
  • Unlimited image background removal
  • Text, hashtags, quotes, and product announcement suggestions

No other copywriting software available on the market right now is able to compete with all of the functionality of Ocoya.

Check out our Ocoya review to learn more and see it in action.

While it may not be the long-form content creator that Jasper is, it is perfect for marketing your business on social media and having unique and personal graphics and post text created quickly by AI.

Use our link here to try out Ocoya and use our exclusive 20% off coupon at checkout.

How to Choose Which AI Writer Fits Your Content Generation Needs

Choosing the right AI writer can be quite tricky.

There are various factors, which you need to consider before investing in an AI writer.

The content which can be generated by AI writers are not the same as hiring a high-end professional.

AI writing assistants can’t do research on subject matter, and are not good with facts.

You will still need to edit and optimize these articles for a professional website. If you are running a content mill you probably won’t need to do much though.

We’ve found that using your own titles and subheadings, you can use the AI to craft extremely high quality blogs in a short amount of time.

Each software is different and they all have their own pros and cons.

Make sure to try out at least these top 5 AI content generators for yourself to see which one suits your needs the best.
